Everything You Need to Know About Stress

Feeling Stressed? Seeking Relief? 

Here’s Everything You Really Need To Know About Stress. 

For many individuals, stress is an ever-present reality. The rapid, often chaotic pace of life that characterizes this lifestyle can be overwhelming. 

While constantly on the run in reactionary mode, we can find ourselves easily triggered, leading to a state of anxiety and unease.

(Watch my latest Youtube video showing you a natural way to relieve stress.)

So here’s what you know.

Over time, if not moderated, consistently high levels of stress can have a destructive impact on both our physical and mental health. In fact, a recent Gallup study, 79 percent of Americans polled say they experience stress with some degree of frequency throughout the day. 

The American Psychological Association in a 2017 report cited the most common forms of stress for those surveyed: 

 63% Future of our nation

62% Money

61% Work

57% Political climate

51% Violence

 This same study found the following:

 Those who say stress has an adverse impact on their personal and professional life:  48%

 The number of employed adults who say they have difficulty balancing work and family responsibilities: 31%

 The percentage of those who said that work interference with family or personal time is a significant source of stress: 35%

 Percentage of individuals who indicated that stress has led to conflict with those close to them: 54%

 Those who report having been alienated from a friend or family member due to stress:  26%

 Annual costs to employers related to stress-related health care and absenteeism: $300 Billion

 Percent who say they “always” or “often” experience stress at work: 30%

 Stress is our body’s natural “fight or flight” response to a threat. 

It’s common for us to encounter stress-induced triggers, things like loud noises, tight work deadlines,  an unexpected illness -- all things that can lead to the body’s secretion of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones then spark a rise in heart rate, a boost in blood pressure, or even a surge of energy that can serve as a coping mechanism amidst challenging circumstances.


(Get the Fearless Action Guide: 12 Steps to Master Fear Written by Desi Wenzel)

 While periodic periods of stress on the body are normal, things become problematic when it becomes constant. Accelerated levels of stress boost the likelihood of health risks and can worsen existing medical conditions. 

 Chronic stress can lead to changes in appetite, a higher risk of heart disease, and a greater propensity for anxiety and depression.

 So What’s The Answer? 

 Here’s the good news! There are a number of proven ways to mitigate the impact of chronic stress.

Behaviors like exercise, healthy eating and getting sufficient sleep provides the body with a mechanism for effectively dealing with stress. 

 Community and a sense of connection with others is another beneficial element. It has been shown that surrounding oneself with less stressed people can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional health.

So what is a great starting point for addressing stress?

In short, it involves building greater awareness around our lifestyle habits, what’s impacting you so that you can make the necessary shifts to mitigate escalating stress levels.  

 By way of example, the primary cause of burnout is one’s inability to effectively manage stress.

So having a strategy in place for dealing with your stress allows you to effectively manage the sorts of challenging situations that can lead to this. 

(Download Your Copy of the Burnout Checklist Here)

As a part of a renewed commitment to stress-busting, it’s also important to continually remind ourselves that we are “human beings” vs “human doings.” 

Wouldn’t you agree? 

This involves greater awareness. 



Fully Present.

Allowing yourself to simply be. 

What we’re talking about here is embracing stillness. The opportunity to sit, pause, and take in some deep breaths.  We can ignore the endless head chatter while embracing some moments of peace and safety. 

The Mindfully, Meditative Quest

There is so much talk these days about a practice called mindfulness. But what exactly is it?  

According to Jon Kabat Zinn, creator of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction concept and a person who’s been highly influential in the “mindfulness” movement in America offers this definition: 

“Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally, in the service of self-understanding and wisdom.” 

 Applied to stress reduction, mindfulness has many applications. For example, this practice has been found to be beneficial in fostering lower levels of the stress producing hormone known as Cortisol.  

 And in an article which appeared in Mindful Magazine, Dr. Angela Rose Black presents some compelling thought leadership on the beneficial impact of mindfulness specific to the health and stress of women of color. 

Then there is the rapidly developing area of Mindfulness and EFT (Tapping), which like acupuncture, frees up the various energy centers in the body, allowing for the release of stress.  

Finally, there is a growing body of research around mindfulness-based stress reduction for women with breast cancer that has shown some promising outcomes.   

 Building Your Stress Reduction Roadmap

 Research aside, managing your stress naturally requires focus and discipline, which can be a challenging task. In order to make purposeful changes, you may find that you need a supportive community and coaching to address any deeper beliefs you may harbor around stress. 

The process I personally practice and teach my clients is part of the Zap Stress in 5 Minutes digital E-Course. Through my system, you will discover how to become more calm, relaxed and grounded without having to resort to endless hours of exercise, fad diets, or long hours of sleep. 

Download a Free Video on Deep Breathing here

By applying this proven method, you will get immediate relief from the stress and tension that may be crippling you from becoming the best version of yourself. You can apply what you learn daily, employing the skills before going to sleep in order to actually get to sufficient rest. 

My clients find it to be a useful approach in easing their mind when life throws them those inevitable wild curveballs. In our program, we emphasize the power of deep breathing and the benefits it delivers in terms of decreasing tension and stress. 

You’ll find it invaluable in terms of your desire for pleasure and putting more oxygen in your bloodstream. Most importantly, it will allow you to manage your stress and literally chill while in the midst of chaos. 

The Zap Stress in 5 Video training gives you the tools needed to get stress and tension relief.

My Zap Stress in 5 Minutes Relaxation method will get you immediate results.

I guide you through a simple 5 step process that will take you from Burnout to Breakthrough. 

Imagine feeling ease in your body as the tension held in your shoulders releases.

Imagine fully taking a breath without feeling you could fall apart.

Imagine claiming a few moments in your chaotic schedule to slow down your busy thoughts. 

Imagine feeling clear and unbothered by your surroundings.

Imagine having tools to simply chill anytime without having to become a zen master.


This 30 Minute Video Training course gives you immediate results.

This course is now available for $29. Regularly priced at $97.

Here is your Coupon Code: BURNOUT for your 80% percent discount. 

Now for a final thought.

Always remember that Self-Care is Actionable and that you are the common denominator in your success.

I am happy to support you in living an stress-free life  by slowing and calming you down. But ultimately, 

it’s all about YOU getting started. 

Making confident decisions. Feeling motivated, vibrant, and free. These and other traits represent the juiciness of life.  

I am here to help ~ Desi Wenzel

“Knowing how you want to feel is the most potent clarity you can have. Generating those feelings is the most powerful thing you can do with your life.” Danielle LaPorte, author of The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul. Though “Core Desired Feelings.”

Desi Wenzel is a Self Care Consultant and Mindset Coach helping overwhelmed, overworked super heroes find their joy, peace of mind, and passion for life and her business through Digital Courses, Coaching and Retreats. Learn more @ www.desiwenzel.com






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