No is your saving grace

Hey Sis,

The word NO becomes your saving grace when you decide that it is no longer acceptable to please every body. 

When you start saying NO, the people depending on you and asking you for stuff will figure it out.

Yes, you love your people and care about their well-being.

Yes, you want to please them and feel accepted.

Yes, its uncomfortable dwelling in the discomfort of their disappointment in you.

Yes, its an adjustment for you to step away from what you have always done.

Well guess what?

Your loved ones - are getting exactly what they want and need because you are the one scrambling to keep it all together for them.

How is this working out for you?

Who is looking out for your well being?

Who is up at night worried about how you are doing or how you feel?

It is no longer acceptable for you to be walking around talking about you are tired.

It is no longer acceptable for you to be breaking out in strange rashes because you are stressed the hell out.

It is no longer...

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