When the numbers don't matter.

When the numbers don't matter.

My facebook group has been a major source of aggravation for me. So I decided to stop complaining and have done something about it. I had to decide that the numbers do not matter when I want and active and engaged community. 

I combed through my group and found that there are a lot of fake accounts and/or people l that are not active on facebook. I removed all of these people - Well over 150.

I know there was a reason why these folks wanted to be apart of group initially. I am sure they saw an ad, or experienced one of my post and decided they needed to be apart of the action.

When the member is no longer emotional, they will go away. And this is okay. This puts the responsibility on me to better manage my groups. 

I have been thinking a lot about creating an engaged community and I realize it first starts with me.

It’s no longer acceptable for me to spend my precious time curating resources for Lookie Lou’s, Freeple’s, and...

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