Let Him Go

Hey Sister Friend,

That man, giving you the blues; sucking up your precious time, energy and resources is no good for you.

Not only is he unfaithful, exposing your life to deadly diseases, the side chicks have the audacity to be playing on your phone.

How many times can you change your number, change your locks, kick him out, and block his calls.

When will you get tired of acting out of character, fussing and cussing, throwing his *ish outside, disturbing the peace and damaging property?

My Dear Sister Friend, here’s what’s up....

This man has issues and yet HE is not the problem.

I see you, hyper focused on his neglectful and foul ass behaviors and I see you loosing yourself.

All of your precious time and energy is low key all about him and you are tapping out of own your life.

You are loosing all sense of what happiness is, 
you are forgetting what rest feels like, 
you are out of touch with what loving yourself feels like.


Because you are depending on him...

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