Feeling Stressed? Seeking Relief?
Here’s Everything You Really Need To Know About Stress.
For many individuals, stress is an ever-present reality. The rapid, often chaotic pace of life that characterizes this lifestyle can be overwhelming.
While constantly on the run in reactionary mode, we can find ourselves easily triggered, leading to a state of anxiety and unease.
(Watch my latest Youtube video showing you a natural way to relieve stress.)
So here’s what you know.
Over time, if not moderated, consistently high levels of stress can have a destructive impact on both our physical and mental health. In fact, a recent Gallup study, 79 percent of Americans polled say they experience stress with some degree of frequency throughout the day.
The American Psychological Association in a 2017 report cited the most common forms of stress for those surveyed:
63% Future of our nation
62% Money
61% Work
57% Political climate
51% Violence
Hey Sis,
The word NO becomes your saving grace when you decide that it is no longer acceptable to please every body.
When you start saying NO, the people depending on you and asking you for stuff will figure it out.
Yes, you love your people and care about their well-being.
Yes, you want to please them and feel accepted.
Yes, its uncomfortable dwelling in the discomfort of their disappointment in you.
Yes, its an adjustment for you to step away from what you have always done.
Well guess what?
Your loved ones - are getting exactly what they want and need because you are the one scrambling to keep it all together for them.
How is this working out for you?
Who is looking out for your well being?
Who is up at night worried about how you are doing or how you feel?
It is no longer acceptable for you to be walking around talking about you are tired.
It is no longer acceptable for you to be breaking out in strange rashes because you are stressed the hell out.
It is no longer...
Hey Sister Friend,
That man, giving you the blues; sucking up your precious time, energy and resources is no good for you.
Not only is he unfaithful, exposing your life to deadly diseases, the side chicks have the audacity to be playing on your phone.
How many times can you change your number, change your locks, kick him out, and block his calls.
When will you get tired of acting out of character, fussing and cussing, throwing his *ish outside, disturbing the peace and damaging property?
My Dear Sister Friend, here’s what’s up....
This man has issues and yet HE is not the problem.
I see you, hyper focused on his neglectful and foul ass behaviors and I see you loosing yourself.
All of your precious time and energy is low key all about him and you are tapping out of own your life.
You are loosing all sense of what happiness is,
you are forgetting what rest feels like,
you are out of touch with what loving yourself feels like.
Because you are depending on him...
The Happily Obsessed Podcast is a passion project for me. My mission is to empower fiercely ambitious creatives, innovators and entrepreneurs ready to take a stand for their self-care.
The Happily Obsessed Podcast will bring you thoughtful and motivating information that will transform your mental health, mindset and spiritual practices so you can start living your best life now.
This show features in depth conversations with soulful entrepreneurs who share intimate glimpses of their lives and work.
Desi Wenzel is your host- Entrepreneur, Transformational Coach and Author of The Fearless Action Guide.
The introduction episode shares my vision for this podcast and a little about me.
My mission is to help fiercely ambitious women express compassion, care, and concern for themselves as they build their businesses.
I believe women can fully live an abundant and inspired life while on the path to success.
When us women are...
What's Going On? Sista's We've Got To Do Better
Oh, what's going on
What's going on
Yeah, what's going on
Ah, what's going on
Marvin Gaye
Having sat down with my plate of barbeque ribs, I say “what’s up my people?” to those seated at the table
Then I heard a voice respond: “I am NOT YOUR PEOPLE because you are white.”
Ohhhh! Really? Okay!!??
Within a blink of an eye, I played out a reaction in my mind. It all seemed like it was in slow motion.
I gasped. “WTF?”
I pulled back from the table, my body language saying, “WTF” is wrong with her.”
“Hmm,” I thought. “This is interesting.” Truth be told, she had been looking at me funny all day. “She’s going through something,” I thought. “But F*** that. I still should just let her have it.”
The thoughts continued: “If I engage this heifer, the fun night will be over because...
Self Love Means Celebrating YOU!
“It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit.”
Eartha Kitt
Low self-esteem is common among women. It’s where we lack the will and desire to celebrate ourselves.
I have a few questions for you. Ready?
Do you compare yourself to others, leading to feelings of inadequacy?
Ever had the experience of accomplishing something amazing only to focus on all the things you did wrong?
Or spend months on a project, pouring your heart and soul into it only to be too embarrassed to let anyone see it?
All of these can be huge hurdles to overcome, even if you are a person who’s inherently motivated, talented and ambitious.
Soooo, are you ready to shift out of these patterns? Then let’s start with something basic. It embodies two simple words:
Celebrate Yourself!
The next time you...
Let this be the line drawn in the sand, beyond which your life will never be the same.
Self Care in Action Retreats are transformative and an immersive week long experience, hosted a couple times per year.
At each Self Care In Action Retreat, a group of power women come together with the intention of diving deeply into themselves, connect to each other, and blast limiting beliefs, so they can live in their fullest potential and better serve the world.
It is a week to unpack emotional blocks, heal and forgive the past, release insecurities, shame, guilt, judgement and resentment, overcome indecision, practice true vulnerability, transform relationships, and create an inspiring future.
It is a week to remember who you really are.
It is a week to become the change you wish to see in the world.
Desi works with every participant individually in a group setting. Over the course of the week, each participant will experience mindset shifts, breakthroughs in perspective, physical releases...
Stop worrying about what other people think and what other people have to say about you and your situation.
It's really none of your business.
I can't say it enough.
Too often we get caught up in what people are thinking, what they are saying, how they may be feeling, and it really has nothing to do with us.
Let people be people and you focus on what you have control over.
When you get in your head, running down rabbit holes, chasing all of the reasons why someone said what they said or might say to you, you will find that you are missing out.
You are missing out on opportunities to grow.
Think about it.
When you are worried about how people are going to respond to you, you are not focused on your business. You are focused on them, consumed with self-doubt and fear.
You can never forget how uniquely amazing you are.
When you stand firmly behind your vision - by any means necessary, you will show up consistently, produce your content, and have the...
50% Complete
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